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Checking in on Social Media More Than Yourself?

Checking in on Social Media More Than Yourself?

Are you finding yourself checking in your social media feeds more than you check in on yourself?

We’ve all been there. You get so busy with “life” that you forget to check in on how you’re doing and how you’re feeling emotionally and physically. You forget to celebrate your wins or grieve your losses. You just get “too busy”. 

Why not take time this month to take stock of you?

Here are a few sure-fire ways to make it easier...

Add daily reminders to nudge you forward on the path to wellbeing.

This may sound crazy, but how about adding an alarm you are excited to hear to your phone. You’re free to add as many as you like, but these “check-in” alarms can remind you to do things like:

  • Take a deep breath 
  • Straighten your posture 
  • Have a drink of water 
  • Stretch 
  • Smile 
  • Look up

All really simple things that we sometimes forget about in our hectic lives, but things that can really make a difference to our wellbeing.

Put pen to paper

This could really be a post unto itself but, letting your feelings spill out of you and into your journal is one of the easiest and most cathartic ways to let it all go.

The key is not to think…just to write. There’s no method that is right or wrong, but just getting your thoughts and feelings onto paper can really help you gauge where you’re at emotionally. Trust me…it really works!

Channel your inner Oprah and ask yourself some pressing questions

When was the last time you asked yourself, “how are you”? I’m going to hazard a guess and say not for a very long time…if ever!

Spend some time each morning, or carve sometime into your day (perhaps even when you’re journaling) to ask yourself questions like:

  • Are you happy?
If the answer is no, delve deeper into why that might be and think about what the first step might be to rectify the situation. Committing to the first step may be all you need to encourage you to take the nextstep forward.
  • Are you on purpose?

Do you even know what your purpose is? What makes you (or would make you) leap out of bed in the morning? If you aren’t leaping out of bed, what changes can you make to change that?

  • How do I feel right now?

Take stock of any pain you feel in your body, stretch out any stiffness and take note of how you feel emotionally. Your body is constantly telling you how it feels, you just need to listen a little more often.

  • What am I grateful for?

This is a personal favourite and something I believe you should practice as a general rule. In this instance though, it’s about actively being thankful for everything in your life. From finding a parking spot to landing that promotion, there are so many things we can be thankful for every minute of every day. Take some time out to express it to yourself – get into that glass-half-full mentality that allows you to prosper and grow. Better yet, jot these down in your trusty journal as well!

  • What am I procrastinating?

Take it from the queen of procrastination, the more you put it off, the worse it is. No matter what the task, rip it off like a Bandaid and get it done but, acknowledge why you are procrastinating in the first place. Is it fear based? Is it a sign you are in the wrong job? Is it guilt? Getting to the root of the issue can assist with combatting procrastination long term by guiding you in the right direction to alleviate the real issue at hand.

  • What do I love about my body? 

We are so often filled with dislike for certain areas of our bodies that it’s rare to send some love to the areas we adore! Dislike your thighs but have killer calf muscles? Send some love their way. Wish your arms were thinner but have nails a hand model would envy? Shoot some love over that way as well.

  • If I could do anything in the world right now with no limitations, what would it be?

Introduce some daydreaming into your life. Remember when you would daydream as a little girl about who you would become when you grew up? Take that concept and run with it as an adult. Have fun with it! Enjoy the daydreaming process and activate it into visualisation. What do I mean by that? Think about how you would feel as you are doing that “thing” you would do if there were no limitations on your life. Really focus on the feelings it invokes, what you look like when you’re doing it and live in that moment…who knows, you just might manifest it into your reality!

  • What items are on my bucket list?

Always wanted to go skydiving or learn a new language? What are those bucket list items that you might be able to take the first step towards ticking off? Let your imagination run wild!

Trust your gut

We all know that feeling when something just doesn’t feel “right”. As Kath Day-Night from Kath & Kim says in the TV show, “I feel it in my waters”.

It’s that niggling feeling that you are making the wrong decision or the elation when you just know you are doing the right thing. There is a major difference felt in our bodies and we need to learn to listen and trust those feelings to guide us.

It's when we ignore the niggling that, often, we venture down the wrong path and it is generally only then that we acknowledge that it didn’t feel right to start with. Buyer’s remorse anyone?!

Who can you trust if not yourself after all?

Be your very own cheerleader!


Take some time out to celebrate all your wins, big and small and acknowledge how proud you are of yourself for achieving these goals. You are amazing…and it’s high time you believed that.

How are you committing to check in with yourself today? Share with us in the comments below...


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