Chocolate & Skincare with Ainsley Pope

Ainsley Pope is the founder and formulator of Tribal Chocolate, a delicious new brand slated for launch in June 2020.
With over two decades experience across a range of industries from tourism to government, finance to consulting, Ainsley has become a master at bringing creativity to how people communicate and present themselves to the world.
She is dedicated to living her purpose and helping others to do the same and it's this drive that led her to delve into the wild, delectable world of single-origin chocolate and its plethora of health benefits. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
As a non-coffee drinker, Ainsley’s aim is to stir things up in hot drink rituals by sharing her passion for quality hot chocolate, paired with nutritious infusions to create experiences that spark and ignite people. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
She calls it a little revolution in a tiny cup. ⠀
Ainsley: To embrace being vulnerable - it's the best teacher, leveller and reality check. To be OK with being wrong or not knowing something just isn't in our psyche if we want to appear strong, professional and confident women. The expectation of being all-powerful and knowledgeable is overwhelming.
It took me a lot of internal searching to learn the practice (and it is a practice, certainly I'm not a master at it) to be comfortable in simply knowing what I know, seeing what happens if I try and being transparent about it with others.
Pink Hibiscus: What is the best skincare advice you’ve ever been given?
Ainsley: You are what you eat. Literally. I've always been fascinated by nutrition and the notion that food is medicine.
When I was a kid our family radically changed our diet to support my Dad who went through brain cancer. During that time our teachers, friends and neighbours all commented on how amazing our skin, eyes and hair were. It's always stuck with me - even though I may not have followed an overly healthy diet since ;)
But I know my skin is the clearest indicator of when my diet is poor or good - when I've had too much wine, had McDonald's or conversely when I've feasted in greens, had alkaline-rich foods and have the right balance of lipids, proteins and carbs.
Pink Hibiscus: What is the one skincare product you can’t live without and why?
Ainsley: Eye cream. The older I get, the more the dark shadows are appearing and fine wrinkles showing (even though I reckon they're smile lines). But I feel so much fresher and alert when the area around my eyes is nourished.
Pink Hibiscus: What does your morning skincare routine look like?
Ainsley: Time dependant and also location dependant - if working from home with only a skip to the coffee shop, it's bare minimum cleanse, spritz, eye cream and tinted SPF moisturiser with eye brow pencil (I have light coloured brows and dark hair) and mascara.
If meeting, greeting and being seen it'll be the whole make-up shebang.
Pink Hibiscus: What does your evening skincare routine look like?
Ainsley: Double cleanse massaging for 60mins each round before wiping off (thanks to your advice!), serum, spritz, eye cream and lush moisturiser. I adore evening products that include aromatherapy to calm the senses and prepare the body for rest.
Pink Hibiscus: If we were to take a sneak peek into your handbag right now, what beauty products would we find?
Ainsley: Ha! I'm the worst at this. I always think I should pack lippy, mascara, spritz, eye cream etc... but honestly, all I have these days is lip balm. And I wonder why I look so weary when I get home!
Pink Hibiscus: What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Ainsley: Have a vision that comes with a plan. I was the most unplanned, unstructured 'see where life will take me' type of person. But the power of having a vision, a north start that gives you a sense of purpose and achievement (be it a house, to retire young, to have a family, to be a significant professional), is essential to achieving a fulfilled life.
Visualise it, manifest it and plan it. Don't fear the plan, use it as guide only, but do have a clear knowing of what you want. Then go get it.
Pink Hibiscus: What is your favourite Pink Hibiscus product?
Ainsley: I'm just starting out on Pink Hibiscus products, but already I'm in love with the Eyelights Eye Balm! Fresh, soothing and will definitely be in my handbag.
What I love is the attention to detail and the essential oils used. Really feel like I'm treating my skin.
Pink Hibiscus: What is your biggest hope for women in the future?
Ainsley: That we will collectively reach a point where we are 100% ok being successful - no matter what that success is.
We have ourselves' back - no one else. The day we can say it's ok to own our own home without other financial support, to lead without compromising our souls, to question perceptions and be heard.
This isn't a 'woah is me' or 'they vs us' - each and every one of us is obligated to shift the social psyche on how we live, engage and lead in this world. It's a privilege to be a woman. Not a curse. Honour it.
Check out Tribal Chocolate on Instagram or their website!