Body Positivity & Skincare with Leina Broughton

Fashion designer Leina Broughton has long been an advocate for body positivity.
She empowers women through her beautifully stylish garments and celebrates the "real people" who wear and love her designs as their chosen “customer supermodels”.
It's so refreshing to see women of all sizes, nationalities and ages proudly model her quality Australian made and designed garments. It certainly makes it a much more realistic way to shop online when your size is represented as well!
A New Zealand native, Leina took a leap of faith and moved to the big smoke of Sydney at the age of 20 where she worked in a fabric shop with the aim to meet designers and immerse herself in the Australian fashion industry.
Fast forward to 2010 and she created her own label aimed at the boutique market offering mini collections every two months.

Pink Hibiscus: What is the greatest life lesson you have learnt?
Leina: I would say this was actually really recently...
That my greatest powers are created from my quirks. My excitement and bubbling creative mind are my strengths. Don't try and control them into a mould, embrace them and make them stronger! Let the ideas flow and jump into the moments where they come flying in from nowhere, it's me...100% me, what a gift.
Pink Hibiscus: What is the best skincare advice you’ve ever been given?
Leina: Randomly this was from a boyfriend many moons ago...
Keep it simple. Whatever you do your skin gets used to very quickly so make sure you have a routine which you plan to continue.
Pink Hibiscus: What is the one skincare product you can’t live without and why?
Leina: Jojoba oil. My routine is so basic and my skin just laps this up. I use this instead of moisturisers and it's the one product I find I can use all year round.
Pink Hibiscus: What does your morning skincare routine look like?
Leina: So low key!! A simple cleanser in the shower and then jojoba oil and I'm ready to go. Maybe a mild scrub if I can feel any spots popping up.
Pink Hibiscus: What does your evening skincare routine look like?
Leina: Exactly the same as the morning. A little bit more jojoba oil to take off any makeup from the day but I've become a shower morning and night kinda gal so quick cleanse then is easiest.
Pink Hibiscus: If we were to take a sneak peek into your handbag right now, what beauty products would we find?
Leina: I always have a selection of lip gloss and my liquid concealer. If ever I need a refresh during the day it's a dab of uplifting essential oil to the temples, concealer under the eyes and rich glossy lips.
Pink Hibiscus: What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Leina: I'd be high-fiving my younger self. I only discovered skincare and makeup much later (mid 30's) and I think I gave my skin a real gift of being mostly natural. Even now my make-up style is light and fresh. I love who I am and every quirk and imperfection that makes me, me.
Pink Hibiscus: What is your greatest achievement?
Leina: I think I would have to say leaving my role with Country Road in 2009 to start the label.
I moved up to Queensland from Melbourne with $10k cash, a $17k credit card and a laser focus on creating amazing jersey dresses for professional women.